St Stephens Bungalow and Land Adjacent

Ramsgate, Kent

The site is located to the edge of the Ramsgate conurbation on western side of the A256 Haine Road  and to the northern edge of the Manston Golf Centre driving range. It extends extends to approximately 4 ha (c. 10 acres). It is generally regular in shape and slopes gently from the north and west towards Haine Road.

Outline Plannign Permission was granted on the 12th October 2018 under planning reference OL/TH/16/1374 for outline consent comprising 100 no. dwellings with access on to Haine Road, with all other matters reserved.

The application is accompanied by an indicative layout which shows a scheme of 100 units comprising 5 no. 2 bed flats, 9 no. 2 bed houses, 67 no. 3 bed houses and 19 no. 4 bed houses. To meet local policy 30% (30 no.) of the units are allocated as affordable housing with a tenure mix 60/40 affordable rent/shared ownership. The layout shows a large area of open space fronting Haine Road in order to provide the necessary easement for the medium gas pipe that crosses the site.

The vendor intends to retain the land for Plots 1 - 11 to build independently.


Contact : Graeme Dowd