Burfield Valley Apartments, Hailsham

Hailsham, East Sussex

Site Description

The site extends to approx. 0.39h/a (0.97acre) is generally triangular in shape sloping approx. 7.5 metres from south to north. The site is bounded along the southern and eastern boundaries by hedgerow and overlooks playing fields to the north.


The site, overlooking existing attractive residential development to the front and open space to the east is situated appro. 0.12 mile from the Town centre and is within easy walking distance via an adjoining footpath.

Hailsham provides a host of facilities, with the main shopping area being developed along the High Street and George Street. There are various local and national shops, restaurants, several supermarkets, pubs and places of worship.

The area is well served by several primary schools, a secondary school, excellent leisure and sporting facilities including football, cricket, swimming pool, gym, fishing, horse riding and excellent country walks, especially along the South Downs.

There are excellent road connections via the A22/A27 which provide access to the popular coastal resort of Eastbourne (7 Miles), Lewes (11 miles), which is the County Town of East Sussex, and access to the M25 onwards to London.

Polegate railway station is just over 3 miles distant, with rail services operating to Eastbourne, Hastings, Brighton, Lewes, London, Tunbridge Wells, and Gatwick Airport.



A resolution to grant a detailed planning consent was made by Wealden

District Council for planning application WD/2018/0122/MAJ subject to various conditions and the signing of a section 106 agreement.


Section 106 Agreement & CIL

The sellers are awaiting final signature to the S106 agreement which will be available upon request. For the purpose of making any offer assuming a total contribution of £114,921.95 index linked.

The Purchaser will be responsible for any CIL Payments.


Consented Scheme

The proposal is a detailed planning consent for 35 apartments set across three and four story’s utilising the gradient of the site, so that the southern section will be three storey and the northern section will be four storey.

There is a mix of accommodation providing some 9 x 1 bedroom, 25 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 3 bed units within an overall area of

approx. 2,861 sq metres. Some of the apartments will have balconies or a small terrace, with the second-floor apartments having roof top gardens. All will benefit from a lift at either end of the building.

There will be 48 car parking spaces, 13 of which will be unallocated for visitor parking. There will also be secure storage for 35 cycles.



The scheme is not subject to any affordable dwellings.






Contact : Peter Randall