Commissioners Road, Frindsbury, Strood, Kent, ME2 4EQ
Well located urban residential development site extending to c. 3.9 ha (c. 9.6 acres) and offered with the benefit of detailed planning permission for a scheme of 123 no. dwellings comprising 78 houses and 45 apartments.
The site has extant Planning Permission for 123 no. dwellings comprising 78 no. houses and 45 no. apartments. The 78 no. houses comprise 63 no. 3 beds and 16 no. 4 beds and the 45 no. apartments comprise 28 no. 1 beds and 17 no. 2 beds across 2 no. 4 storey blocks.
The layout is orientated to take advantage of the far reaching views down the River Medway with the masterplan showing Central Green Street running diagonally up the site from the access at Commissioner’s Road. The apartments are located at the southern end of the site with the houses located on a number of plateaux running in an east-west direction. A play area is proposed at the northern end of Central Green Street which continues as a pedestrian link up the ‘Steppes’ where a series of soft stepped terraces will provide pedestrian access to the Church Green Recreation Ground to the north. Several further pedestrian access points are shown out to Commissioner’s Road as well as an Emergency Vehicle Access .
The masterplan shows a total of 228 no. parking spaces provided either on plot, to the front of the plot, undercroft or within parking courtyards. In addition, the masterplan shows a landscaped SuDS adjacent to the access at the southern end of the site as well as a central swale running down adjacent to the spine road.
For access to the full technical information pack or to make an expression of interest please contact Graeme Dowd.
Contact : Peter Bowden